No stranger to controversy, Gaga has struck again. Since she surfaced on the Pop music scene, Lady Gaga has managed to capture the hearts of millions of fans world-wide. She achieved international recognition with her chart-topping singles "just dance" and "poker face," both off her debut album, "The Fame," released in 2008.
Lady Gaga on Jay Leno on Feb. 14, 2011.
Gaga is most famous for her off-the-wall taste in fashion; ranging from her human-hair outfit to her animal-flesh dress. she has always been know for pushing the envelope but nothing tops her new facial implants. The implants depict horn-like projections on her cheeks as well as her forehead. Gaga insists she was born this way and that these are bones that everyone has. She also stated in an interview with Harper's Bazaar that they've always been apart of her and she's been waiting for the right time to reveal them to the world. She claimed "everyone has these bones. They're the light from inside of us." Gaga stated the bones protrude whenever she is inspired.
Lady Gaga has also teamed up with Coty Inc. to produce her first fragrance. The perfume will be called "Monster" and will be released sometime in 2012. The odd thing, disturbingly enough, is the source for her "inspiration." She stated that she wants her perfume to smell like blood and semen. Speculation has it that the perfume will contain actual samples of Lady Gaga's blood, which is disturbing to say the least. It will be interesting to see how the general public will respond to the product.
shes scary